Sunday, March 2, 2014

May The Force Be With You

Teach you, I will. A great jedi, will be you. Learn about The Force, you will.

Jeez, talking like Yoda is an exceptionally difficult thing. Anyways, today we are going to be discussing the concept of force. I apologize for the gratuitous Star Wars reference up there, but I had to do a shout out to the little green man.

If you remember a few weeks ago I taught all of you about Sir Isaac Newton, a pretty important guy in science. Anyways, this guy has his hands all over force as well, that is he helped come up with much of the concept. In fact, Newtons, are a unit of measurement for force. You just gotta love Newton. Even though he probably made the life of the modern student way more difficult by several orders of magnitude, but I guess he seems like a nice fellow....

Let's also talk about net force because that's pretty cool. Net force is the combination of all the forces acting on a single object. Really there are constantly forces acting upon us. When we simply stand on the earth, there is the force of gravity and the force the ground exudes to keep us in place.
 Thrust is the next thing we should talk about. Thrust (lol) is a reaction force because when something accelerates in one direction, and that it will cause an equal or greater force but in the opposite direction. Two things that use thrust are birds and planes (perhaps trains and automobiles as well. If anyone get's that, bless you)
Forces can also be balanced or unbalanced. A balanced force would be two puppies pulling on a rope. The puppy on the right is pulling at 3N and the puppy on the left at 3N. This is balanced. However, if a dog is pulling on the right with 6N and a dog on the left is pulling with 9N then the rope is being pulled towards the left, and the force is unbalanced. 


Centripetal force is the final thing I’ll go into. Centripetal force keeps something moving in a circular path towards the middle. It is usually what causes circular motion. An example would be roller coaster cars going through a loop.
cartoons & comics, funny, patrick, patrick star, roller coaster
         Hope that helped all of you at least a little bit! I'm really sorry about the weirdo formating, I've been trying to fix it, but I can't seem to get it to look right. All the information and images are still there though. 
      Goodbye my wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully pretty Love Cats!! May your voice be lower than Peter Murphey's and your cheekbones higher than Roger O'Donell's!!

Unbalanced and Balanced

information from:
Glenco Science "Introduction to Physical Science"


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