Monday, March 10, 2014

Gravity is a jerk

       Today I’m going to be dishing to you all about a little concept by the name of gravity, so listen up! Did you fall down the stairs this morning? Thanks gravity! Did you drop your dumb-bells on your toe lifting weights? Thanks gravity! Even though gravity can cause you to horribly maim yourself, it is pretty important. Gravity is a force that exists between any two objects in the universe that have mass. Gravity pulls objects towards each other.

Scientists also say that gravity is always attractive, but they don't know that. I mean have they ever  seen gravity without ANY makeup; not a pretty site.

        Next, I'm going to talk about a man who was important enough to be mentioned in a Queen song; Galileo Galilee. He was a  scientist that  tested gravity by getting atop the leaning tower of Pisa and dropping two balls of different mass to see if they fell at different times. He found that they did NOT fall at different times; they fell at the same time!OH MY GOD NO WAYYYYY. Yup, the objects of different mass were not acted upon by wind resistance, so they hit the ground at different times. So basically when wind resistance doesn’t ruin things objects of different mass falling will hit the ground at the same time.

       Remember Sir Isaac Newton? Of course you do; I’m getting real tired of this guy, seriously. He is the definition of an over-achiever.
       Anyway, he discovered that every object that has mass has its very own gravitational pull. Newton also found that larger and denser things have more of a gravitational pull. Yo, he was also born the same day Galileo died. I don’t know how I feel about that. It’s kind of creepy.

      Next, we’ll talk about weight and mass. The two are oft confused so listen closely my lovecats. Mass is how much stuff there is inside of you. Meanwhile, weight is how much gravity you’re being put under. That means that on the moon, since gravity is weak, you will weigh much less. Forget the Atkins diet, fly me to the moon!

        Gravity is pretty dang important because it keeps everything on the surface, and it’s also something that affects the entire universe. I think that just about wraps up this blog, sorry I was M.I.A on Monday, I felt pretty sick. My medicine tasted terrible. Well, I hope my blog was helpful! May your  post-punk hair be as fluffy as Simon Gallup's and your lipstick as red as Robert Smith's!


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