Monday, March 17, 2014

Issac newton makes me ponder my life choices

         I am really sick of Isaac Newton you guys! I’m pretty sure I mentioned this over achiever; seriously he’s the definition of an overachiever! Newton makes me feel inadequate. I mean the dude probably  found out so much because the only other thing going on at the time was the bubonic plague. Holy cow, there was no rock music! THERE WAS NO ROCK MUSIC! All this poor guy had to do was reinvent science and math 'cause that's all that he could do back then. Maybe I'd be a revolutionary scientist if I didn't have music, or art, or attractive men to distract me all the time- I'm sorry I kinda zoned out, ya' see I was drawing Brad Pitt while listening to The Cure and ...oh my god I just got distracted by attractive men, art, and music at the same bloody time! I'm flushing my life down the toilet!! Newton you overachieving moopflop, you make me feel so insecure (don't know what's for)! Ahem, Okay let's get this over with because I have some serious things to think over about my life.
       In case you somehow do not know this, Sir Isaac Newton came up with three laws of motion. These are laws in physics that are still followed today, and are insanely important.
Newton's first law explains that an object in motion will stay in motion and will go in the same sped and direction until an outside force is applied to it. His first law also states that an object at rest will stay at rest and not move until a force moves it. A stationary ball will not move until you kick it, and it will keep movin until an outer force acts upon it, like it rolla into a wall.

Newton’s second law states that the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force. An example of this would be a ball being pushed. If the ball is small and the force is great, the ball will travel further. If the force is great and so is the mass, than it will go even further. Finally if the ball’s mass is greater than the force then it won’t travel very far.

      Newton’s third law dictates that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If two cars crash into each other the first car is excreting force on the second car. The second car in turn exerts the same force, but in the opposite direction.

      Newton’s three laws are probably his most famous contribution to science, but this try-hard did many other things too.  I’ve compiled a list of Newton’s accomplishments and accolades: discovered gravity, came up with the three laws of motion, attended Cambridge and graduated, found out light isn’t white, published the Principia(below), invented a reflecting telescope, helped stop counterfeiters, invented calculus (“you monster!” screamed every high school student ever), was knighted by Queen Anne, president of the Royal Society, and lived to be 84 (that was impressive back then so I’m including it)

       Also this thing(bellow) is called Newton's cradle demonstrates all three laws of motion, andit looks pretty dang cool.

       Well that’s all for today, hope I helped. Ireally  hope that Newton won’t show up again, but he probably will. I'm off to listen to The Cure and finish my drawing Brad Pitt (wasting my life!!). As always, may your eyeliner be as thick as Siouxsie Sioux's and may  Porl Thomson ,the guardian of sass, smile upon you! leave a comment my tiny Moomins and have a lovely day!
 (pssst I'm almost done with Breaking Bad you guys!!!)

information from "Introduction to Physical Scence 310-328

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