Sunday, September 8, 2013

Compunds, Mixtures, and Milkshakes.

      Today I will be talking all about compounds and mixtures and how they are different. First, we should get down to the nitty-gritty and go over how they differ. Mixtures are made through a physical change where a compound is made through a chemical reaction. Now that we covered that teensy weensy easy rule, we can really delve into what compounds and mixtures are about!

       With a compound is a chemical change taking place. A compound is formed when atoms of two or more elements bond in a chemical reaction. For example, two hydrogen atoms, when combined with one oxygen atom will make new compound water. Compounds look nothing like the elements they come from. Another example, a compound you may recognize from the dinner table; salt! Salt is formed when you mix the elements sodium, a metal, with a green gas element, chlorine.

The reaction to make compounds is also very difficult to separate.

      When an element or a compound is blended, it will make a mixture. Each substance that is part of a mixture will retain its own properties. Mixtures are achieved through either mechanical or physical means. There are two types of mixtures: heterogeneous and homogeneous.

      Homogenous is where the substances in a mixture all blend nice and evenly and are normally quite hard to distinguish visibly. Kind of like a milkshake! Milkshakes are homogenous because there’s an even blend of all the ingredients. It also tastes pretty darn good! However, with something like salad is a heterogeneous mixture meaning that the parts have not combined completely. Also salad doesn’t taste nearly as good as a milkshake.

      Well, now you now the rudiments of Compounds and Mixture! Since you are now keen on the topic, when you go about your lovely little lives, see how many things you can identify as being a compound or a mixture. Also, if you find a mixture, find out whether it’s homogenous or heterogeneous. I’d love for you to comment sharing your discoveries!

Here is a really neat little article I found about compounds on science daily:

Goodbye everyone and remember: I drink your homogenous milkshake! I drink it up!

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